Do something every day that brings you one step closer to your Goals.
My name is Tom Knight, and I’m here to show you that you can grow muscles, gain superhuman strength, decrease pain, and feel amazing using only your bodyweight without ever leaving home—regardless of your age. I’m 52, and if I can do it, I’m convinced that you can too!
If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that becoming comfortable in uncomfortable scenarios for short bursts of time has everything to do with success. To that end, challenging myself daily has become an all-important part of that strategy. And honestly, I’ve fallen in love with this methodology: the rewards feel so much more amazing when you know you’ve earned them—regardless of the endeavor!
The TITAN LIFE is all about maximizing our time here on Earth, remaining completely mindful and present at all times—enjoying every single moment—as well as regaining control of whatever might’ve slipped away. Health and fitness often appear somewhere at the top of that list. I believe our bodies are our temples and that we must do everything in our power to keep them running efficiently and optimally. Believe me, I know; not long ago, I let mine fall apart.

Sometime after I turned 40, my health turned a corner. My annual physicals went from clean bills of health to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and joint pain—all in a single year. I knew I had to make changes—lifestyle changes. And you know what? It didn’t suck. At all. Over the last half decade, through vigorous exercises and smarter food choices, I’ve reduced my high cholesterol count, gotten my blood pressure back to normal, lost all the extra weight I’d gained, and I eliminated joint pain from several places around my body. Not to mention getting really ripped and strong!
I tried lots of different regiments: weight lifting, martial arts, HIIT, running, just to name a few, and I liked them all—but I didn’t love them It wasn’t until I found gymnastic-style training that I completely fell in love with getting in shape. What seemed like drudgery before suddenly became the very activity I looked forward to the most! My hope is that I can inspire that same passion in you!